Podcast - Heart Driven Hustle

Mind your Mindfulness


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Hi, I'm Amanda

Feminine leader, spiritual and personal development lover, adventure-seeker & mother helping other women tap into their inner authority and reclaim their true essence!


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In this episode…

As a society we are becoming increasingly distracted. We live in a perpetually heightened state and our mobile phones are never more than arm’s length from us.

We are switched on 24/7! But for all the wrong reasons.

What we should be practicing is mindfulness. This practices is about being more mentally present and engaged in the tasks that you do day to day…yes – even those seemingly tedious tasks such as washing the dishes.

But it doesn’t have to be boring – it’s about being mindful and being present in the moment.

We break down exactly how you can do that in this episode.

So let’s dive in!

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Kingsley: [00:00:18] Hello everybody and welcome to episode 14 of the Heart Driven Hustle podcasts. So today I don’t want to be talking something a little woo or that people may think a little bit. Woo but wait until the end. I think we’re going to get there and it’s going to be something that you can use a little bit more in your day to day life.

And that is being a little more mindfulness. So what is mindfulness? Exactly? Well, let’s break it down.

It’s about being more mentally present and engaged in the tasks that you do day to day. So now more than ever, we have so many things that can cause us distract . We have laptops, [00:01:00] we have phones that are never more than 30 centimeters away from us 24/7, busy work schedules, busy social schedules, or simply not wanting to do what you’ve got to do and wanting to be somewhere else completely.

So what I want you to do for a second is just think about a menial task, like doing the dishes or the laundry, or having to clean up the house and just think about what feelings does that task invoke? Do you get angry? Would you rather be somewhere else? Do you get anxiety because you’re supposed to be spending more time with your friends.

Do you have negative feelings, just thinking about all these different tasks. So now I want you to think how these different feelings and thoughts that you’re having serve you. Does it get the job done quicker? Probably not. If anything, you rush the [00:02:00] job.

You may even be completely avoiding these tasks and they turn into huge monsters that need hours and hours of work done, which takes up even more time. So if anything, all these feelings that you have attached to these menial tasks are not serving you at all, but rather they’re hindering you.

So here’s how mindfulness can help you in your day to day life. Next time you have to do the laundry rather than going, Oh, there it goes another 20 minutes of my life I’d rather be hanging at a bar with some friends. You shake all those negative thoughts away and think they’re not going to serve you the task isn’t going any quicker and it needs to get done and instead enjoy the feeling of having some time by yourself. If you’re outside hanging clothes on the line, enjoy the sun on your face. Enjoy the fresh air. [00:03:00] Enjoy the noise of the birds, the traffic, and just really being with yourself and your thoughts rather than attaching such negative connotations.

And when you’re folding clothes, the smell of fresh clothes. PS There is nothing better than the smell of fresh bed sheets. Be present and just enjoy getting the job done, putting everything away, and then having a clean space, a clean bedroom, and really have a sense of achievement.

So by just being in the moment and enjoying the little things and being present, rather than thinking about what you did yesterday or what you still have to do or where you’d rather be, you can enjoy the more simple menial tasks throughout your day, and really just be present in the moment.

This doesn’t just have to be for doing the dishes or laundry. It can be for driving, [00:04:00] walking, brushing your Teeth, catching public transport , anything like that. You can really turn into a mindfulness activity and start to enjoy all the simplest things in life .

so that’s it for me guys, I hope you found this helpful.

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