Podcast - Heart Driven Hustle

The Heart Driven Hustle Podcast has Arrived!


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Hi, I'm Amanda

Feminine leader, spiritual and personal development lover, adventure-seeker & mother helping other women tap into their inner authority and reclaim their true essence!


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in 10 Minutes

Trapped in an unfulfilling job? Over watching others follow their dreams whilst you’re stuck on the sidelines? Want to create your own wellness business but don’t know where to start?

Heart Driven Hustle is dedicated to demystifying the entrepreneurial journey, cutting through the clutter and overcoming the overwhelm so you can launch your own passion project (which may one day become your Plan A!).

Take a deep dive into the world of entrepreneurship and feel empowered to create your own side hustle to reignite your passion and purpose.

In this podcast, we’ll provide inspiration, self-development and mindset advice to help you become clear on your desires and overcome any limiting beliefs.  We’ll also cover practical tips around personal branding, time management, overcoming objections, how to work smarter and more.

Hear raw and empowering stories from other entrepreneurs as they divulge their secrets around getting started in their own businesses. We go right back to the beginning from idea conception to implementation; understanding their ‘why’; and how they overcame obstacles and adversity along the way. This isn’t high level fluff – we get to the heart of it, uncover the grit and determination that is required along the way (something so often glossed over!) to show that overnight success is just a myth!!

You’ll be left feeling awake and inspired to take action to create your own fulfilling new career.

In this episode…

We are so excited to announce that the Heart Driven Hustle podcast is here!

If you’ve ever been enticed by alluring world of entrepreneurship but were too afraid to step outside your comfort zone, then this is the podcast for you!We’re here to hold your hand and take you on a journey so that you feel confident to launch your own wellness side hustle.

This episode is short and sweet to introduce ourselves and give a quick insight into what you can expect from the podcast.

So let’s dive in!

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Amanda: Hi guys! Welcome to the very first episode of Heart Driven Hustle!

This is going to be short and sweet, it’s just to introduce ourselves and let you know what we’re all about.

I’m Amanda, I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Wellness Coach.

Kingsley: Hey, I’m Kingsley. I’m a certified yoga teacher and a Wellness Coach.

And we’re sitting inside this little room of ours speaking into a microphone so this is definitely the weirdest thing we’ve done today.

Amanda: It certainly is a bit of an odd feeling sitting here chatting into a microphone, but I’m sure as we go further along into the series, it’ll be something that’ll become a lot more natural.

Together we have our own holistic wellness business, Journey to Happiness, which you could call our side hustle. And really that is the reason why we decided to create this podcast, just to show others out there that they too can create something special of their very own.

So, who are we talking to?

Well, we’re talking to people who maybe are at that pivotal point in their life, and they just want something a little bit more.

Or maybe they’ve worked hard, studied hard, they’ve done all that and they’re just not feeling fulfilled in what they’re doing, so they want to pivot and try something a little bit different.

Really our purpose of being here is about holding your hand and giving you that guidance and making it feel okay to step outside comfort zone and show you that it’s not such a scary place after all. And that there really is something quite rewarding on the other side.

Kingsley: Our aim is to break down the barriers around the entrepreneurial journey by interviewing amazing guests, telling their stories of success and challenges.

We’ll have episodes talking about mindset, limiting beliefs, as well as practical skills.

Amanda:  Each week, we’ll also take five to check in on a topic around holistic health, because that’s our jam! We’ll cover topics ranging from nutrition to movement, to spirituality and everything in between.

It’s all about making good health accessible.

So that’s it short and sweet!

Can’t wait to meet again in the next episode. See you then!

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The power of 'the pause'.

Reconnect to your inner wisdom. Reclaim your unique magic. And reignite your leadership.

Reconnect to your inner wisdom. Reclaim your unique magic.
And reignite your leadership.

I believe in a world of omnicolour, not beige— where we're not designed to fit neatly into a box, but to be multi-faceted, multi-talented and multi-dimensional… just like you.

My mission is to redefine what feminine leadership means, helping you break down generational barriers and achieve your vision, creating a legacy that will be felt for generations to come.

I coach female entrepreneurs who are over the "one-size-fits-all" approach to business success (which doesn't work) to get to know themselves on a deep soul level and clear up all that internal sh*t that's stopping them from having the business of their dreams.



*aka the inner work to build the confidence and self-concept you need to create a successful and fulfilling business that aligns with your values and purpose.

The only thing standing between where you are now and where you want to be is YOU.
And we're here to put a stop to it!

Get ready to slay because you're only 10 minutes away from uncovering the deepest, darkest source of your self-sabotage.


Slay the

in 10 Minutes