Interview Series: The Motherhood Diaries

Interview with Sarah – Keepsakes by Grace


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Hi, I'm Amanda

Feminine leader, spiritual and personal development lover, adventure-seeker & mother helping other women tap into their inner authority and reclaim their true essence!


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Motherhood is hugely transformational and it’s often the time when you’re left feeling completely isolated, trying to figure it all out on your own. Whilst it can feel that way; you’d be surprised to learn how common those feelings are…

Struggling with your new identity….wanting your own life back…feelings of resentment…boundaries being challenged…deciding your current life path no longer aligns with your values…yep, this is all completely NORMAL!

In this blog series, I’ll be bringing you stories from women of all walks of life, sharing how motherhood has shaped them.

See how whilst each story is unique, there are common threads that link us all! x

It was Sarah’s gorgeous breastmilk jewellery that I first fell in love with. Then I met the gorgeous mama behind these pieces and hearing her story made me love them even more! Sarah is a beautiful mama of 1..soon to be a beautiful mama of 2!

Motherhood was not what she expected, but that didn’t make it any less special. After having a rough start into this next phase of life, Sarah was able to find her true passion and create a life that served her and her growing family in a very unique way!

Let’s dive in!

Let’s start pre-kids, tell me about what life looked like for the previous version of you?

I was working in the medical field for about 5-6 years before becoming a Mom! It was something I put my whole heart into. I scheduled open heart surgeries and was a Clinical Research Coordinator for a very well known Cardiothoracic Surgeon.

I’m also very active in our church as a youth leader and musician! I felt like with all of that my life was so busy, I didn’t know how much things would change when pregnancy was thrown into the mix. 

ooo yes, totally! Pregnancy steps like up a notch….and then babies are a whole another level lol. How was new motherhood?

We absolutely loved the early days with our little girl. Of course it wasn’t easy or beautiful like I thought it would be-but it was so special to us.

I had had a pretty traumatic and scary labor actually, recovery was rough for me so I needed a lot of help from my husband in the first few weeks.

Breastfeeding was something I thought would be easy. I did all the right things! Saw lactation before giving birth, regularly after birth…but it was still incredibly painful and difficult for me.

Looking back I wish I had just relaxed, asked more questions, and gave myself more grace. 

You really can’t predict how things are going to be until your in the midst of it all. I’m with you about wishing I was more relaxed in those early days too! Did things start to calm down a little after that?

After the newborn phase I really started to fall in love with being a Mother.

I know a lot of Moms take some time to bond with their little ones, to feel a connection-which is so normal! But after our scary birth experience the fear really made me connect with her immediately.

But it wasn’t for a while that I really felt like a MOM.

She was comforted by me, she needed me. In the beginning that was scary-but soon it began to change me. 

For sure! Feeling into your new identity isn’t something that happens overnight – taking time is so normal!

I had actually decided to be a stay at home Mama before giving birth to my little one. It was hard for me to give up on a field I had grown in and loved so much-but I know I’ll go back to it in a few years.

What I didn’t expect was to kind of lose myself in Motherhood. I didn’t know who I was anymore.

Breastfeeding was still really hard, due to health issues I had a low supply and had to switch her to formula at about 10 months. This caused me to spiral into a bunch of emotions I’d never felt before. I was depressed and feeling lost.

What am I passionate about outside of being a Mom?

What do I like?

I had no idea. It was terrifying! And I didn’t know how to express it.

I’d heard about and actually shopped for breast milk Jewelry a few months prior to this. It was something I’d really found interesting. It was my husband that suggested I try to figure out how to do it myself, and maybe to do it for others as a hobby. At the time I didn’t have a lot of confidence in myself, but after a ton of research-and trial and error-I found that I was really good at it! It gave me something to do for myself-and for others.

I really love this so much! Having a supportive partner to encourage you during this time (because let’s be honest, we’re sleep deprived and feeling so uncertain about everything!) – having that sense of clarity and guidance goes a long way.

Looking back, is there anything you wish you’d done differently in your own journey?

Oh gosh if I could go back in time I would tell myself so much!

I would say to stop looking at all those women on Instagram that look like perfect Mothers.

I would say that it’s okay to switch to formula.

I would say to stop worrying about making sure the house is clean!!  

Yes! Take that pressure off! On that note – what advice would you give to first-time mums?

The best advice I was given is to not expect things to be perfect. And saying NO to visitors during the first few weeks is totally allowed!!

When you’re feeling up to it-get out of the house by yourself. Do a grocery run, get a coffee. I know that’s not easy when they’re super young but it’s not impossible. 

Life does settle down. The first year is wonderful and difficult-but things do settle down and start to feel normal.

So I hear you have some exciting news…Congrats again! How is life now?

Thank you! Currently I’m balancing being pregnant, being a toddler Mom, and running a business.

There are moments that feel extremely overwhelming and stressful-but it’s best to remember that those moments do pass.

I’m trying to enjoy the little moments, the kisses and messy dinners. 

The joy found in the little moment really is the best. What does the next 12 months hold for you?

My vision for the next 12 months is to get more help in my business so I can balance having 2 children more gracefully!

I know that won’t be easy. I’m expecting it to be crazy, and difficult.

But I also know that it will be wonderful. 

Amazing, I love that. Life will be wonderful for sure! All the best with your current pregnancy.

Get in touch with Sarah:

Instagram @keepsakesbygrace


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