Having launched our business 6 months ago, we’ve seen so much growth in our ideas, our focus and each other. We’ve been able to get a real feel of what we’re passionate about and what truly speaks to us.
Where we landed in these discussions is that health has greater meaning than purely the food on our plate. Yes, that plays a large role, but in the scheme of things, nutrition is only part of the picture.
How can one be truly healthy if they are unfulfilled in their other areas of life?
When we’re out of balance in terms of our relationships, our career, spirituality, education & personal growth, joy or one of the many other important areas of our lives, we can’t consider ourselves to be in good health. Just because you’re eating all the vegetables in the world, you won’t feel healthy! An unhealthy mind or soul can manifest in all kinds of physical symptoms!
At its core, health is about self-care. Health is the foundation for wellbeing and happiness. It is the action of taking care of yourself in the way you should – following through and respecting yourself enough not to give up on your needs.
We love this idea of focusing on ‘life foods’ and want to communicate and share these with you. We particularly want to focus on empowering and inspiring you to create a life that aligns with your highest values. Feeling and being in alignment with our values creates a congruency between the life we want and the life we have.
As such, this year marks a shift as we begin to travel down that path of inspiring you to live your healthiest and happiest life. We want to encourage you to consider the different areas in your life and ask yourself what your level of satisfaction is, then take action towards making it a 10 out of 10!
We want to introduce some ideas and concepts which we’ve learned through extensive personal development and studies as knowledge is a commodity to be shared!We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live truly inspired and love their lives. If you’re not there yet, that’s completely ok as we want to share ways in which you can get there.
Step outside the confines of traditional thinking and enjoy more than just the daily grind. Life is not about living only for the weekends, it is about living for the everyday!We want to empower you to be creative, have fun and grow!
So, what does this look like? Think inspiration and empowerment to create your dream life, self-love, wealth creation, tips and tricks, our journey as a family with some nutrition thrown into the mix too.
It’s all about expanding our minds and our hearts ?
We’re excited about what the year ahead holds and can’t wait to bring you along for the ride!
Amanda xx
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